If you have been involved in online marketing for even the slightest amount of time, you know that a good marketing script is worth it's weight in gold. People setting up their own websites need a good script, not anything too complex or fancy, at least not at first. Have you bought a script for a website and then discovered that it was way more than you needed? Most scripts are not designed for small businesses. If you buy a script on line, chances are that it was designed for a large corporate website That it was far to complicated and was meant to be installed and maintained by a full time master tech department edre you sick and tired of spending money on website scripts that are just too much for you to handle, and have far too many complicated features? Well, you're not
alone. So, what am I offering you today? Simple PHP Scripts!
But are they for you? Well, let's take a look at what this package contains, then you can make up your own mind. #1 - "Classified Ad Scripts" Two classified ads scripts - One of these is pictured below. #2 - "Apartment Search Scripts" Two apartment search scripts - One of these is pictured below. #3 - "Blog Scripts" Not One, but
several bloging scripts of different designs.
#4 - "Clickbanner Script" A very simple
and very effective affiliate program script. #5 - "FAQ Script" A very simple frequently asked questions script. #6 - "Guest Book Script" Not one, but two guest book scripts. #7 - "Help Desk Script" Simple helpdesk script. Could easily be modified to add reCaptcha capabilities. #8 - "Link Trader Script" Simple link exchange script #9 - "Personals Script" Simple dating script...could be used for many other things. #10 - "Photo Ratings Script" You get FOUR different Photo Rating Ranking Scripts. #11- "Pay Pal Store Script" Paypal is the most popular payment service. This script Integrate Your Sales with Paypal Checkout.
But that's not all! You also get:
...And More!!!
Bruce Fanning
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Things for Good Websites |